<- Flores A. et al. 2024 (Article) Hechtia

Two new species of Hechtia (Bromeliaceae; Hechtioideae) from Jalisco, Mexico

Author(s):A. Flores A., R.A. Hernández-Cárdenas, S. Rosales-Martínez, A. Espejo-Serna, A.R. López-Ferrari & A. Siekkinen

Publication:Plant Ecology and Evolution 157(1): 20-31. (2024) — DOI

Abstract:—Backgrounds and aims: The genus Hechtia (sensu lato) is distributed from the southern United States to northern Central America and includes 95 species. Recent botanical explorations, carried out in the Colima and Jalisco states in search of H. reticulata, led to the discovery of two new species. The aims of this work were to complete the morphological description of H. reticulata and describe these two new species.
Material and methods: This study was based on fieldwork and on the revision of literature, protologues, type material, and herbarium specimens. The specimens collected were prepared for storage in the herbarium, analysed, measured, and descriptions were made; measurements were taken from dried specimens. Due to their morphological similarities and the closeness of their populations, the proposed species are compared with H. reticulata.
Key results: We propose two new species of Hechtia for Mexico (H. costalegrensis and H. pacifica); an epitype and a complete description of H. reticulata are also provided. The diagnostic characters and morphological affinities of the new species are discussed, including complete morphological descriptions and images; a comparative table is presented, showing the morphological differences between the new species and H. reticulata. A distribution map of the taxa described here and of H. reticulata is included, as well as an identification key and a list of examined specimens of all Hechtia species known to date from Colima and Jalisco.

Keywords:—Colima, monocots, Pacific Lowlands, Poales

Published names (2):
Hechtia costalegrensis
Hechtia pacifica