<- Tardivo & Cervi 2001 (Article) Brazil

Bromeliads of the State Park of Vila Velha, Ponta Grossa, Parana, Brazil

Author(s):R.C. Tardivo & A.C. Cervi

Publication:Selbyana 22(1): 68-74. (2001)

Abstract:—The State Park of Vila Velha is located 80 Km from west Curitiba in the Planalto Paranaense, a region know as Campos Gerais. The park, a conservation area for native vegetation, shelters many rare or endemic species. We studied the Bromeliaceae family to gather information on the phenology, growth habits, and ecological adaptations of species found at the Vila Velha State Park. Our study revealed 16 bromeliad species. These included nine Tillandsia species: T. gardneri Lindley, T. geminilora Brong, T. stricta Solander, T. tenuifolia L. var. tenuifolia, T. tenuifolia var. surinamensis (Mez) L.B. Sm., T. lorentziana Grisebach. T. crocata (E. Morren) Baker, T. streptocarpa Baker, T. recurvata (L.) L., and T. usneoides (L.) L. We found three Aechmea specie.?: A. recurvata (Klotzsch) L.B. Sm., A. bromeliifolia (Rudge) Baker, and A. distichantha Lem. Other species were Dyckia tuberosa (Veil.) Baker, Vriesea fribargensis Mez, Billbergia nutans H. Wendland ex Regel, and Wirrrockia cyathiforme (Veil.) Leme.

Keywords:—Bromeliaceae. Parana, Brazil