<- Gouda & Gouda 2021 (Article) Pitcairnia

Introducing the Remarkable Pitcairnia melanopoda

Author(s):E.J. Gouda & C.S. Gouda

Publication:Journal of the Bromeliad Society 71(3): 133-139. (2021)

Abstract:—In North Peru, Amazonas, Yambrasbamba Distr., near (North and South of ) Laguna Pomacochas you can find low and open scrubby cloud forest (fig. 1) on white sand at 1750-2550 m altitude with some remarkable Pitcairnia species with stiff Carex (or grass- like) leaves. A not yet identified branched and red flowered species of about 1 m tall and the much smaller Pitcairnia melanopoda (Gr. Melas= black; podos= foot) that can even be found scattered on white sand dunes (fig. 2, 3, 4). This beautiful and remarkable small species was described by Lyman B. Smith in 1963 and later again by Harry Luther in 2002 as Pitcairnia arenaria (Lat.: arena= sand), with a more detailed description that was used to produce the emended description presented below, with additional information from the photographs taken in the area.

Keywords:—Pitcairnia, white sand, Peru

Taxonomy:Pitcairnia arenaria Considered a synonym of Pitcairnia melanopoda L.B.Sm. (p.136).