<- Raack 2020 (Article) Aechmea, Tillandsia

Grow Something Uncommon – Part 3

Author(s): Raack J.

Publication:Journal of the Bromeliad Society 69(3): 47-53. (2020)

Abstract:—In this third part of my series on introducing some uncommon bromeliad species that are easy to grow, I will provide information on Aechmea capixabae from Brazil, Tillandsia porphyrocraspeda and Tillandsia reuteri both from Ecuador and Peru. I have grown all three of these species for more than 15 years, and in that time, I have had several “near disasters” in my greenhouse that has truly sorted out the strong and resilient plants from the weak and sensitive plants. I consider all three of these to be strong and resilient plants that will grow over a wide range of environments.