<- Gouda 2020e (Article) Aechmea

A study of Aechmea longicuspis versus Aechmea kuntzeana

Author(s):E.J. Gouda

Publication:Journal of the Bromeliad Society 69(3): 16-25. (2020)

Abstract:—There are a few Aechmea species with a long black terminal spine over 1 cm long on the floral bracts. The most commonly collected and well-known species is Aechmea setigera Mart. ex Schult. & Schult.f. (1830) a plant that usually has a horizontal inflorescence. Two others are Ae. longicuspis Baker (1889) and Ae. kuntzeana Mez (1896) that normally, but not always, have upright inflorescences. There is much confusion concerning the identification of species within this group. For example, in Baensch (1994) on page 51 we see an Ae. setigera-like plant with an upright inflorescence identified as Ae. longicuspis, but the open long cylindric inflorescence with the dendriform elongated sterile endings is typical of Ae. setigera that apparently can also have a nearly upright inflorescence.

Published names (1):
Aechmea longicuspis var. kuntzeana

Taxonomy:Aechmea kuntzeana Considered a variety of Aechmea longicuspis Baker (p.3).