<- Gouda 2020b (Article) Guzmania

Guzmania bismarckii Rauh vs. Guzmania lindenii (André) Mez

Author(s):E.J. Gouda

Publication:Journal of the Bromeliad Society 69(3): 117-122. (2020)

Abstract:—Guzmania bismarckii Rauh (1984a) was based on material found in 1980 near Rioja in Moyobamba, Northern Peru. Rauh noted the material was closely related to G. lindenii (André) Mez (1896) and determined it ranked as a new species because it was sufficiently different to G. lindenii plants he had seen in Oxapampa. My work shows that the Moyobamba material is closer to the type of G. lindenii than Rauh’s Oaxapampa plants are.

Taxonomy:Guzmania bismarckii Considered a synony of Guzmania lindenii (André) Mez. Guzmania lindenii sensu Rauh could be different from Guzmania lindenii, but the plants from Moyobamba are much similar with the type of Guzmania lindenii, that comes from N. Peru. Therefor Guzmania bismarckii is synonymous to Guzmania lindenii and the material of Oxapampa should be studied more carefully to find out if this is really differen. (p.2).