<- Taylor & Robinson 1999 (Article) Pitcairnia

A rejection of Pepinia (Bromeliaceae: Pitcairnioideae) and taxonomic revisions

Author(s):D.C. Taylor & H. Robinson

Publication:Harvard Papers in Botany 4(1): 203-217. (1999)

Abstract:—The recent generic subdivision of Pitcairnia L’Her., and recognition of an expanded segregate genus Pepinia Brong. in Andre by Varadarajan and Gilmartin is rejected. The stated difference between the genera was seed structure, alate or naked in Pepinia and bicaudate in typical Pitcairnia. Analysis of the seeds shows a more complex seed variation, varying from the amphigenus cortication of Pitcairnia aphelandriflora Lem. (subg. Pepinia) to the narrowly winged and bicaudate form of typical Pitcairnia and the broadly alate form of many South American species. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SFM) is employed to illustrate the gradation.

Keywords:—Bromeliaceae, leaf anatomy, morphology, Pepinia, Pitcairnia, Pitcairnioideae, taxonomy.

Published names (1):
Pitcairnia elvirae

Taxonomy:Pitcairnia elvirae Was Pepinia verrucosa, E Gross, Trop Subtrop Pflanz 95: 9-11. 1997 .