<- Manzanares 2019b (Article) Racinaea

A New Species of Racinaea (Tillandsioideae: Bromeliaceae) from Ecuador

Author(s):J.M. Manzanares

Publication:Journal of the Bromeliad Society 68(3): 134-139. (2019)

Abstract:—Forestry engineer Nelson Jaramillo de Loja conducted his undergraduate research on the emission of methane through bromeliad tanks at the San Francisco Research Station, Zamora Chinchipe, Ecuador. During the investigation he had the opportunity to study many bromeliads from the Scientific Station. When contacting me to identify the species studied, I was struck by a species of Racinaea related to R. lutheri Manzanares & Till and R. contorta (Mez) M.A.Spencer & L.B.Sm. After further study, the plant collected by Jaramillo turned out to be a new species that is described and illustrated in the following article.

Keywords:—Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae, Racinaea, Ecuador

Published names (1):
Racinaea jaramilloi