<- Gouda E.& R. 2019 (Article) Peru

Bromeliad Treasure Hunting in Peru - Part 3

Author(s):E.J. Gouda & R. Gouda

Publication:Journal of the Bromeliad Society 68(2): 94-106. (2018)

Abstract:—After a day or two in Cajamarca we took a bus to Celendin to find a way to get to the very small place, Balsas where we wanted to search for Tillandsia balsasensis. In Celendin we took a so called “collectivo” - any form of transportation with a driver willing to sell space in the vehicle for people and their property. We found a station wagon that would take us where we wanted. The chauffeur, as always, tried to get as many people with their goods in as possible, and went far beyond the limits of what we considered to be safe and acceptable. At last, after an hour or two, we took off with fewer people than he wanted, because we just did not let them in.