<- Leme & Luther 2010 (Article) Wittrockia

Transfering Canistrum flavipetalum Wand. to Wittrockia

Author(s):E.M.C. Leme & H.E. Luther

Publication:Journal of the Bromeliad Society 60(3): 103-113. (2010)

Abstract:—The genus Wittrockia was established by Lindman (1891) on the basis of a single specimen, W. superba Lindm. The concept of the genus has undergone a considerable change to arrive at the parameters proposed by Leme (1997; 1998). Lindman (1891) originally associated it to the genus Nidularium Lem., s. lato, and with the genus Bromelia L., using the petals appendages as a distinguishing character. The author also considered Wittrockia as intermediate to Nidularium and Neoregelia L. B. Sm. [then Regelia (Lem) Lindm.], because it didn’t have the branched inflorescence with the showy primary bracts of the former nor the simple inflorescence of the latter

Published names (1):
Wittrockia flavipetala