<- Leme 1996h (Article) Connellia

A new species from the Lost World

Author(s):E.M.C. Leme

Publication:Bromélia, Revista da Sociedade Brasiliera de Bromélias 3(2): 13-18. (1996)

Abstract:—One of the few plant samples brought back from the expedition to Mount Roraima by Pedro Nahoum, Felipe Nahoum and Luiz Claudio Mango (see previous article) was a new species of Cannellia. This genus’ is endemic to Venezuela and neighboring regions, and is almost entirely restricted to the isolated habitats of the tepuis. Five species are presently considered valid in this genus: C. angustae (Schombugrk) N. E. Brown, C. caricifolia L. B. Smith, C. nutans L. B. Smith, C. varadarajanii L. B. Smith & Steyermark and C. quelchii N. E. Brown. The sixth and most recent species, C. smithiana Steyermark & Luteyn, published in July 1985, was transferred to Lindmania in 1986. The photo of the live plant that accompanies the description of C. varadarajanii. published three months before, is actually not of this species but of L. smithiana (Smith, 1986). The species described here is now the sixth species of the genus Connellia.

Published names (1):
Connellia nahoumii