<- Leme & Esteves 2003 (Article) Miscellaneous

New Bromelia and Dyckia species (Bromeliaceae) from Central Brazil

Author(s):E.M.C. Leme & E. Esteves P.

Publication:Vidalia 1(1): 21-30. (2003)

Abstract:—Four new terrestrial Bromeliaceae species from Central Brazil are described, members of the genera Bromelia (Bromelioideae) and Dyckia (Pitcairnioideae): Bromelia braunil Leme & E. Esteves. Bromelia lindevaldae Leme & E. Esteves, Bromelia minima Leme & E. Esteves, and Dvckia paucispina Leme & E. Esteves. The new species are also illustrated and compared to morphologically related taxa.

Keywords:—Brazil, Bromeliaceae. B,-onwlia. Dvckia. Cerrado

Published names (4):
Bromelia braunii
Bromelia lindevaldae
Bromelia minima
Dyckia paucispina