<- Ehlers 2005b (Article) Tillandsia

Tillandsia zacualpanensis EHLERS & WÜLFINGHOFF spec. nov.

Author(s):R. Ehlers

Publication:Die Bromelie 2005(1): 12-16. (2005)

Abstract:—T zacualpanensis is already know for more than 40 years (W. Richte,; Zimmerpflanzen von heute und morgen: Bromeliaceen.p. 336, fig.1 as “T. tricolor“) but not described correctly. Growing on rocks near Zacualpan, Mexico, it is related to T. thyrsigera from which it differs by an erect, not spreading rosette and grey lepidote leaves; sheats more narrow, longer more acuminate; scape bracts and primary bracts more narrow and lepidote; spikes much more stipitate with more sterile bracts, less flowers with larger internodes; flower bracts adaxially in the upper part grey lepidote, not brown lepidote. Petals of T. zacualpanensis may be violet or yellow green. Typically for lipophytic tillandsias are numerous offsets at the base.

Published names (1):
Tillandsia zacualpanensis