<- Ehlers 1987d (Article) Tillandsia

Tillandsia klausii, a New Tillandsia from Southern Mexico

Author(s):R. Ehlers

Publication:Journal of the Bromeliad Society 38(6): 257-261. (1987)

Abstract:—In 1985, I was collecting tillandsias in Chiapas with my husband Klaus and we discovered an attractive new species, remarkable because of its rose-lepidote infloresce6ce with big, blue-violet flowers, and because it turns entirely red or rose if kept outside in full sun. It grows easily and well in our collection at home in Germany.
The plants were growing on a small, very steep, rocky cliff covered with shrubs and trees, and very difficult to climb. If we climbed up some meters, we suddenly found ourselves where we started. The plants and trees had prickles and soon our scratched skin burned like fire. At first glance we thought it might be the "mala mujer," a euphorb you had better not touch since it takes some time for the wound to heal. Fortunately, it was something else, but bad enough. Finally, we reached our goal and were pleased to discover that they were tillandsias unknown to us. Klaus was with me all the time although his health was not the best.

Published names (1):
Tillandsia klausii