<- Leme 1991f (Article) Nidularium

Nidularium marigoi; or, Progress toward a New Species

Author(s):E.M.C. Leme

Publication:Journal of the Bromeliad Society 41(3): 115-117. (1991)

Abstract:—About five years ago, when we had just started to revise the typical subgenus Nidularium Lemaire, we announced success in identifying the little-known N. hatiaiae L.B. Smith. We had found that species dominating the highest parts of the Itatiaea National Park situated on the border of the States of Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais. In an article under the title, “Remarkable Bromeliads of Itatiaia,” and using a lovely photograph taken by the photographer Luiz Claudio Mango, we described that species as a native of heights above 1,000 meters. That plant presented a rounded leaf apex, an inflorescence slightly emerging above the rosette, primary bracts with indistinct blades of bright red color and blue petals turning orange as they wither

Published names (1):
Nidularium marigoi