<- Leme 1992c (Article) Wittrockia

A New Brazilian Wittrockia Species

Author(s):E.M.C. Leme

Publication:Journal of the Bromeliad Society 42(2): 51-53. (1992)

Abstract:—Wittrockia corallina is found growing epiphytically on the lower tree trunks inside the very humid, typical Atlantic Forest under the domain of the Bocaina Mountains. At an elevation of about 1300 meters, this new ornamental and delicate species shares its habitat with many other unusual species including fernseea bocainensis Pereira & Moutinho, Neoregelia pontua lii Leme (a new species col lected on the same occasion),tNidularium antoineanum Wawra, Vriesea pabstii McWilliams & Smith, Wittrockia campos-portoi L.B. Smith

Published names (1):
Wittrockia corallina*
* synonyms or not accepted names are marked