<- Holst 1993 (Article) Miscellaneous

New Species and a New Combination in the Subfamily Pitcairnioideae (Bromeliaceae) from the Guayana Shield

Author(s):B.K.. Holst

Publication:Journal of the Bromeliad Society 43(6): 248-256. (1993)

Abstract:—Continuing exploration and research of plants collected in the “Lost World” region, or the Guayana Shield, of northern South America have yielded three beautiful new species of Pitcairnioideae and justified the transfer of a fourth species. The Navia species described below comes from an area in southern Venezuela that indisputably has the richest concentration of species in that genus. The two Pitcairnia species described here are from two high, contiguous, granitic mountain ranges near the center of Guayana Shield: Sierra de Maigualida and SerranIa Uasadi. These mountain ranges, which have only recently been explored, are providing many novelties for the Venezuelan flora and for science. In addition, Fuya phelpsiae from southern Venezuela, is trans ferred to Pitcairnia

Published names (4):
Navia mosaica
Pitcairnia cana
Pitcairnia graniticola
Pitcairnia phelpsiae