<- Ibisch & Gross 1993 (Article) Puya

Puya prosanae, a New Dwarf Puya from the Andes of Bolivia

Author(s):P.L. Ibisch & E. Gross

Publication:Journal of the Bromeliad Society 43(5): 211-215. (1993)

Abstract:—During botanical investigations within the framework of a German-Bolivian project of technical cooperation (PROSANA) in the Bolivian province of Arque (Ibisch, 1992), a new dwarf species of Puya was found that shows the remarkable growth habit of a cushion plant. Within the bromeliad family this growth habit is well known from Abromeitiella. It is interesting to note that Fuya raimondil Harms, the biggest bromeliad, and some dwarf puyas occur in the Bolivian flora. Rauh (1983) described Puya hromadnikii, from the south of Bolivia, which is related to Fuya minima L.B. Smith and Puya tuberosa Mez

Published names (1):
Puya prosanae