<- Ehlers 1997c (Article) Tillandsia

Tillandsia polzii R. EHLERS spec. nov.

Author(s):R. Ehlers

Publication:Die Bromelie 1997(1): 11-15. (1997)

Abstract:—17 years ago F Polz and his friends E. Markus und E. Kirschneck travelled through the southern part of Rio Grande do Sul and collected a hitherto unknown tilllandsia. The plant growing on steep red sandstone rocks is related to T aeranthos, but differs in following parts: plant less lepidote; scape longer, inflorescence lax, internodes longer with fewer flowers which are more spreading, rhachis visible; fliower bracts larger; sepals much longer; petals up to 3.8 cm long, twice as broad and acute, more spreading, light-blue.

Published names (1):
Tillandsia polzii