<- Gouda & Manzanares 2006b (Article) Racinaea

Recognition of Caraguata pulchella André as a good species in Racinaea

Author(s):E.J. Gouda & J.M. Manzanares

Publication:Journal of the Bromeliad Society 56(4): 150-155. (2006)

Abstract:—One of the most exciting plants we found on our trip in November-December 2005 to the south of Ecuador is this very colorful Racinaea, published by Eduard Andé as Caraguata puchella in 1888, (not Tillandsia pulchella Hooker 1825). It has been depicted with a nice and catching line drawing in the book Bromeliaceae Andreanae , by André, plate XVI-A and reproduced in Smith & Downs (1977), see figure 1.

Published names (1):
Racinaea pulchella