<- Gouda 2016c (Article) Neoregelia

How variable is Neoregelia eleutheropetala?

Author(s):E.J. Gouda

Publication:Journal of the Bromeliad Society 65(4): 248-256. (2016)

Abstract:—In January 2013 we explored the road from Tarapoto to Yurimaguas, Peru for
several days. First you have to pass a mountain ridge of about 1400 m elevation with
mountain forest (Fig. 1), then going down gradually to 150 m elevation in Yurimaguas
on the bank of Rio Huallago, one of the tributaries of the Amazon River. It is odd to
realize that the Amazon River has still to pass the whole continent on a difference in
elevation of less than 150 m

Keywords:—Neoregelia, Taxonomy, Amazonian

Taxonomy:Neoregelia eleutheropetala Emended description (p.254).