<- Leme 2014b (Article) Orthophytum

Studies on Orthophytum - Part XII: rediscovering Orthophytum duartei

Author(s):E.M.C. Leme

Publication:Journal of the Bromeliad Society 64(3): 173-184. (2014)

Abstract:—After the publication of the last article of the series entitled “Studies on Orthophy- tum ” (Leme & Fontana 2010) we interrupted this series to wait the conclusion of the taxonomic revision of the genus accomplished by the Brazilian botanist Rafael Louzada in 2012 (Louzada, 2012). Despite the huge contribution provided by Louzada in his revision, some gaps on the knowledge of Orthophytum remained. One of these is related to O . duartei L. B. Sm.

Taxonomy:Orthophytum duartei Not related to Orthophytum foliosum L.B. Sm. nor Orthophytum fosterianum L.B.Sm. It separate it widely from all other species of Orthophytum and gives it a unique position in the genus yet to be clarified. (p.180).