<- Veliz & Feldhoff 2013 (Article) Tillandsia

Tillandsia carrilloi (Bromeliaceae), A New Species from Guatemala.

Author(s):M.E. Véliz P. & U. Feldhoff

Publication:Cactus-Aventures International 98: 2-9. (2013)

Abstract:—Summary: Tillandsia carrilloi Véliz and U. Feldhoff is similar to a recently described species of the region of espinoso horsemanship of Guatemala, but is different from Tillandsia bourgaei Baker because it has longer inflorescence, floral bracts and sepals, and flowers are of a purple colour.

Keywords: Bromeliaceae, Tillandsia, Tillandsia carrilloi, dry forest, Guatemala, Central

Tillandsia carrilloi Véliz & U. Feldhoff is described as a new rupicolous species from the dry forest region of Guatemala. It is different from Tillandsia bourgaei Baker because it has longer spike, floral bracts, sepals and petals, also the flower is purple.

Keywords:—Bromeliaceae, Tillandsia, Tillandsia carrilloi, dried forest, Guatemala America exchange.

Published names (1):
Tillandsia carrilloi