<- Ramirez & Jimenez 2012a (Article) Hechtia

A new species of Hechtia (Hechtioideae, Bromeliaceae) from Puebla, Mexico

Author(s):I.M. Ramírez M. & C.F. Jiménez Nah

Publication:Phytotaxa 42: 1–8. (2012)

Abstract:—A new species of Hechtia, H. pueblensis, from the Mexican State of Puebla, is described and illustrated. The new taxon is well documented with illustrations and photographs of staminate and pistillate flowers, as well as fruits. It shares its small-sized rosette and usually simple panicles with H. lyman-smithii (from a nearby geographical region in Oaxaca) and with H. fragilis (from Puebla and Oaxaca).

Published names (1):
Hechtia pueblensis*
* synonyms or not accepted names are marked