<- Luther 1998c (Article) Aechmea

Misnamed Bromeliads No. 18: a Trio

Author(s):H.E. Luther

Publication:Journal of the Bromeliad Society 48(6): 244-246. (1998)

Abstract:—Most bromeliad growers, especially those living in warm climate areas where they can keep some of their collections outdoors, cultivate members of Aechmea subgenus Machrochordion (the “bromeliifolia group”). from my experience, many of these plants are misnamed in horticulture. With the exception of some very distinctive species such as A. triangularis (Syn.: A. kautskyana), most of these similar-appearing plants are identified as A. brorneliifotia. The latter species may be treated in a future installment of this series; for now, I will discuss and illustrate three which I have found to be misidentified in horticulture and in herbaria