<- Luther 2001b (Article)

De Rebus Bromeliacearum III

Author(s):H.E. Luther

Publication:Selbyana 22(1): 34-67.. (2001)

Abstract:—This paper contains taxonomie and publication information for Bromeliaceae that was not included in, or which appeared after, the publication of L.B. Smith and R.J. Downs' Flora Neotropica Monograph 14, Part l (1974); Part 2 (1977): Part 3 (1979), and Luther and Sieff (1994, 1997). Refer to Luther and Sieff for additional information. For new taxa, the current article contains scientific names and their authors, publication sources and dates, country and province of origin, and locations of type specimens. Misceüaneous supplemental information is included where considered useful.

Keywords:—Bromeliaceae, Neotropics, taxonomy

Taxonomy:Cryptanthus pseudoglaziovii As Cryptanthus pseudoglazioui, published as Cryptanthus pseudoglaziovii and retained that way (ICBN 60.1). (p.48).—Guzmania rosea Recognized as a species to its own right with taxon number 16-117.3. .—Tillandsia maypatii x Luther suggests this is a hybrid (probably of Tillandsia brachycaulos x Tillandsia dasyliriifolia) (p.41).—Tillandsia retrorsa Treated as a synonym of Tillandsia arhiza, probably based on plants from Isley and Brewer from Minas Gerais (p.41).—Tillandsia wilsoni Treated as a synonym of Tillandsia utriculata forma utriculata .—Vriesea sandrae Treated as a synonym of Vriesea noblickii Martinelli & Leme (p.45).