<- Leme et al. 2011 (Article) Neoregelia

A New Ornamental Neoregelia Species from Serra dos Índios, Bahia, Brazil

Author(s):E.M.C. Leme, H. Luther & W. Till

Publication:Journal of the Bromeliad Society 60(5): 197-208. (2011)

Abstract:—The genus Neoregelia contains 112 species (Luther, 2008), comprising four subgenera (s. lato), the typical one, Longipetalopsis Leme, the Amazonian Hylaeaicum (Ule ex Mez) L. B. Sm., and the monospecific Protoregelia W. Till & Leme, endemic to Bahia, Brazil. The species of the type subgenus grow at different altitudes of the Atlantic forest domain in southern and southeastern Brazil, ranging into Bahia, with two im- portant disjunctions, one in Loreto, Peru, represented by Neoregelia johnsoniae H. Luther (Luther, 1989), and the other, N. cathcartii C. F. Reed & R. W. Read, from Rancho Grande, Venezuela (Reed & Read, 1981)

Published names (1):
Neoregelia rothinessa