
Nidularium exiguum (E.Pereira & Leme) B.A.Moreira, Wanderley & Martinelli  diagnose
; 0 rupicolous, terrestrial or epiphytic, 45.5–76 cm. leaves with sheath 6.2–9.5 x 2.8–3.7 cm, elliptic to obovate, brown lcpidote; blade green, papyraceous, 29–71.5 x 1.5–3.2 cm, ligulate, very narrow base distinct from the sheath, canaliculate, channel pale and rigid, apex long-acuminate, apiculate, serrated margin. inflorescence: peduncle long, 28.6–37 cm, surpassing the leaf sheaths, brown woolly; peduncle bracts 2–4, red-green, foliaceous, 5–15.3 x l-l; 8 cm, generally shorter than the internodes; fertile part 3.5–5 cm, subglobose; involucral bracts red, 4.5–11.5 x 1.8 cm, lanceolate, apex long-acuminate, serrated margins, abaxially brown woolly; primary bracts red, ca 2.2–3 x 1 cm, ovate to elliptical, apex long-acuminate, serrated margins, abaxially lightly brown woolly; fascicles with 2–5 flowers floral bracts 1.2–1.9 cm , shorter than the sepals, acute apex, apiculate, similar to the primary bracts but smaller. flowers 2.5–2.6 cm; sessile; sepals white, asymmetric, 1.2–2.4 cm; connate for 0.1–0.2 cm; narrow-elliptic, acute apex, apiculate; petals white, 2–2.7 cm, free, lanceolate, apex erect, acute, petal appendages fimbriate, calluses present. pistil: ovary ca 0.6 cm, brown-woolly.

Edited from : Wanderley & Martins 2007. Bromeliaceae in Flora fanerogâmica Do Estado de São Paulo, Volume 5.