
Pitcairnia sessiliflora Rusby  protologue
plant rather sparsely scurfy-tomentose; stems about 1 m; high, slender, terete, striate. leaves proper all basal, numerous, nearly as long as the stem, broadest (about 1.5 cm) above the middle, the lower portion involute and appearing as though terete, strongly uncinate-toothed, the teeth dark-purple, 1–2 mm; long, some leaves consisting only of these narrow, dark, toothed bases, others terminating in long setiform blades; stem bearing closely sheathing, lanceolate, acuminate and pungently pointed bracts 3–4 cm; long. flowers distantly spicate, the subtending bracts about 1 cm; long, broadly ovate, acuminate, pungent; sepals nearly 2 cm; long, linear-lanceolate, rigid, very strongly; keeled, and nerved, acute; petals 7 cm long, slender, yellow (?).

Edited from : Rusby 1907. (protologue) An enumeration of the Plants Collected in Bolivia by Miquel Bang. Part 4* - With Descriptions of New Gerera and Species .