
Encholirium sazimae Rauh  diagnose
plant with stem, flowering up to 40 cm tall. leaves few with their sheaths forming a pseudobulb up 3 cm and 4.5 cm high (fig; 69, left); sheath distinct, up to 4 cm wide, 1.5 cm tall, robust, persistent and making the pseudobulb; blade about 10 cm long, narrow lanceolate, upright to bent over, attenuate, rigid, glabrous, yellowish green, smooth on the edge (fig; 69, left). inflorescence terminal, up to 40 cm long, erect; peduncle up to 20 cm long, yellowish green, at the base 0.5 cm thick, (when dried), serrated, glabrous; peduncle bracts the basal subfoliate, the upper ones reduced, as long or longer than the internodes with long enclosing the peduncle, brownish sheaths and glabrous, erect, lanceolate acuminate blade; fertile part of the inflorescence simple, rarely once-branched, then with a basal, few flowered side spike (fig; 69, right, sa), up to 17 cm long, 5 cm wide, laxly many flowered; primary bracts similar to the upper peduncle bracts; inflorescence* axis straight, thin, greenish, glabrous; floral bracts ovate lanceolate, acuminate, ± 1 cm long, 0.5 cm wide, with a scattered woolly hairy tip, basal ones longer, middle ones and upper ones shorter than ca 1.5 cm long, green, glabrous pedecel. flowers laxly spiral, up to 17, praefloral horizontal, at anthesis nodding, postfloral erect, almost spherical, yellowish green (fig; 69, right); sepals eggshaped- rounded, blunt, 8 mm long, 7 mm wide, spoonshaped, fleshy at the base, upper side very scattered lepidote, underneath and tip scattered lepidote, green; petals a little longer than the sepals, eggshaped-oval, 10 x 8 mm, spoonshaped, blunt, yellowish green. stamens free; filament thick, 5 mm long (fig; 70, left), with anthers longer than the petals. pistil: ovary deeply furrowed, about 3 cm long; style absent; stylodes spiral twisted with papillose stigma (fig; 70, right); capsule(immature) spherical, 0.7 cm in diameter, the stigma crowned, shiny brown black and enveloped by the dried up sepals. fruits: seeds with yellowish, asymmetric wing (fig; 71, left).

Edited from : Rauh 1986c. (protologue) Tillandsia muhrii Rauh spec.nov. 1) .