
Tillandsia atrococcinea Matuda  diagnose  protologue
; 0 translated by butcher plant acaulous, epiphytic on oak trees, 20 cm high. leaves many, in a rosette, 18 cm long; sheath very distinct, semi-oval and dark purple; blade ligulate, long linear - triangular, concave-canaliculate, 1.5 cm wide at the base, gradually caudate-subulate, pruinose scaled, slightly on the face and densely on the back, pale green and lightly glaucous. inflorescence: peduncle not erect, recurved 30° toward the exterior, 12 cm long; peduncle bracts long linear - triangular, caudate-subulate, 10 cm long, ligulate, red; fertile part simple with many flowers, exceeding the leaves, disposed in a curtate cylindrical form, 1 cm long and 4 cm in diam; floral bracts semi-ovate, 4.5 cm long, 2.5 cm wide, with the apex long mucronate, much longer than the sepals. flowers: sepals 22 mm long, 11 mm wide at the base, lanceolate-triangular, pink scales; petals dark violet, 4 cm long. stamens and style a little shorter than the petals.

Edited from : Cact. Suc. Mex.. (protologue) .