
Tillandsia candida Leme
plant epiphytic, caulescent, stem ca 4 cm long, flowering to 8 cm high. leaves 25–30, polystichous and sub-dense, green, both sides dense white lepidote; sheath triangular, ca 5 mm long, 6 mm wide near base, hyaline toward the base, strongly nerved, clasping and totally covering the stem; blade filiform, more or less terete near the base, towards the apex slenderly subulate, 40–65 mm long, ca 1 mm wide, sub-erect to spreading. inflorescence: peduncle erect, glabrous, green, slender, ca 30 mm long, ca 1 mm diam; peduncle bracts leaflike, ca 3, not at all hiding the whole of the peduncle, equalling the inflorescence; fertile part simple, distichous, erect, ca 15 mm long, as high as the leaves or exceeding them; rachis lightly flexuous, clearly visible; floral bracts elliptic at the base, 5–8 mm long, ca 5 mm wide, green, sub-glabrous, equalling the length of the sepals, ecarinate, blade a slender filiform tail, ca 10–15 mm long, dense white lepidote, sub-erect, more than twice as long as the flower. flowers 2 - 3, subsessile; sepals narrow lanceolate, acute tip and apiculate, ca 7 mm long, ca 1.5 mm wide, glabrous, lightly nerved, the adaxial pair connate for 5 mm and keeled, abaxial sub-free and not keeled; petals sub-linear, 10 mm long. stamens included, filament complanate, widening towards the base and not plicate, ca 5 mm long, anthers ca 0.7 mm long, oblong, on both sides obtuse, dorsifixed at the base. pistil: ovary obovate-cylindric, ca 4 mm long, ca 1.5 mm diam, style ca 4 mm long, included.

Edited from : Bradea. .