
Tillandsia pucaraensis Ehlers  diagnose
; 0 plant- epiphytic, very short stemmed, flowering to 30 cm high, single or in groups. leaves - numerous, rosette, erect, the outside ones widening out, moreover some parts secund, very stiff, both sides with dense appressed grey scales; sheath - indistinct, triangular, 25 mm wide, inperceptibly merges with the blade, the edges strongly bent, at the bottom almost translucent; blade - thin lance-like, long acuminate, to 16 cm long, 12–14 mm wide (above the sheath) green, yet silver grey because of dense appressed indument on both sides, the edges bent and with very small erect asymmetrical scales. inflorescence: peduncle - erect or bent, to 10 cm long, ca 3 mm diameter, naked; peduncle bracts - densely imbricate, longer than the internode, extensely cover the stem and adjacent to (stem therefore not visible), longish elliptic, the bottom with longer blades, the upper with short tips, then similar to the flower bracts, thin membranous, nerved, inner naked, outside with dense grey scales, pink; fertile part - much exceeds the leave, simple, drawn together on the sides, 7–9 cm long, 10–12 mm wide with 8–10 (–17) almost sessile, scentless flowers; (the bottom 2 or 3 seem to be polystichous, the upper distichous); rachis - thin and bent, edged, naked, in a fresh state totally covered, when dry visible; floral bracts - 12–17 mm long, to 14 mm wide in some cases but mainly ca s mm wide, broad ovate, tipped, red, leathery, in a fresh state bare, when dry weakly nerved, not keeled or (particularly the lower) weak and double keeled, the inner naked, outside of the lower ones dense and wholely covered, the upper ones and tips laxly scaled, the lower ones almost as long as the sepals, the upper ones 1 - 2 mm shorter. flowers: sepals - with the exception of the tips, enclosed by the flower bracts (12-) 13–15 mm long, ca 6 mm wide, 2–3 mm high, uniformly joined together, acuminate, red, at the base green, naked, more or less nerved, thin membranous, edges translucent, the back pair keeled; petals - white, making an erect tube, thin tongue shaped, the tips bent outwards and the whole of the edges weakly wavy; 16–22 mm long, 4 mm wide; stamens- deeply enclosed in the throat, filaments shorter than the style, white 8 mm long, flat thin, straight, not pleated, 1 mm wide. stamens: anther 3–4 mm long, 0.5 mm wide, fixed at the bottom, the bottom wide the tips tapering, yellow, firmly stuck together. pistil: ovary - green, ovate, or almost globose, to 4 mm long and 3 mm diameter; style 11 mm long, erect or lightly spreading, papillose.

Edited from : Ehlers 1989a. Eine neue Tillandsie aus Peru: Tillandsia pucaraensis R. Ehlers spec. nov. .