
Portea gardneri Baker
leaves ensiform from a large ovate base, above a foot long, ¾–1 in; broad above the dilated base, narrowed gradually to the point, moderately firm in texture, armed with close conspicuous spreading dark brown deltoid-cuspidate marginal spines, the lower 1/6 in; long, the upper gradually smaller. inflorescence: peduncle stout, flexuose, a foot long; bract-leaves spreading lanceolate, scariose, tinged with red, 6–8 in; long, spinose towards the tip; fertile part a dense ovoid cernuous panicle 8–9 in; long, with a furfuraceous rachis; lower branches only subtended by large lanceolate red bracts; lower branches bearing 8–12 corymbose flowers on long ascending slender furfuraceous pedicels. pistil: ovary clavate, 1/3 in; long. flowers: calyx as long as the ovary; segments as long as the tube, ovate, with a large mucro; petals ½-¾ in; longer than the calyx.

Edited from : Baker 1889. (protologue) Handbook of the Bromeliaceae .