
Billbergia maxima C.Chev.  protologue
plant strong species, vigorous, with big leaves, few (about 8), nearly equal length, forming a long tube, a little bulbose at the base, 75 cm; high, on average 8–9 cm.wide. leaves 80 cm to 1m.long, 8 cm wide, nearly all their length, very lightly channelled, for the most part, erect, the outside only a little shorter, spreading horizontally in their upper portion; very shortl acuminate, uniformly dull green blade, of a very firm texture, thick, tough and sharp thorns on the edges, black, 15–18 mm.apart. inflorescence: peduncle cylindric, covered with a thick white down, emerging from the leaf tube and bending well early under the weight of the inflorescence., inflorescence base decorated with beautiful big bracts, ovate - lanceolate, rounded, more or less spreading, 15–18 cm; long, 50–55 mm; wide, of a beautiful intense pink, numbering 8 to 10, on the hanging part of the peduncle, spaced at a few centimeters and stopping at the start of the flowers above which they form a shelter of the most brilliant appearance; flowers, numbering 25 and more, forming a lax spike, 20–25 cm; long, whose axis is covered with a strong fluffy, velvety white pubescence, remote of their support, more or less spaced out, very long (10–12 cm.) and sessile with the axil of the tomentose bract hardly visible. pistil: ovary angular, 15mm; long, 7 mm; thick, obscurely trigonous, covered with an abundant white down, marked with very obvious black ridges. flowers: calyx tubular at the base, dividing rapidly into three erect lobes, ovate, exceeding the ovary by 8–10 mm., attached against the corolla and covered with a grayish white down, tints purple and of brown on the sides and to the top; petals inserted in the tube of the calyx, with two small scales at their base, ribbon like, 9–10 cm.long, 5–6 mm.wide, extended and convoluted before anthesis, greenish at the base, discolored in the middle and purple bluish at the top, at the time of anthesis rolling up on themselves, like a watch-spring to contact the sepals and reveal the stamens and the pistil. stamens inserted above the ovary, has long, straight, purple filaments, terminating with an anther 27–30 mm.long; style straight, thick, color purple towards the tip, like the three petaloid stigma lobes and shaped in a spiral.

Edited from : Bull. Soc. Bot. France. .