
Billbergia elegans Mart. ex Schult. & Schult.f.  protologue
leaves few in a tubular rosette, about 3 dm long, concolorous; sheath large, narrowly elliptic, indistinct, appressed-lepidote on both sides; blade ligulate, rounded and then narrowed to an elongate point, to 38 mm wide, laxly serrate with dark spines 1.5 mm long. inflorescence: peduncle decurved, slender, tomentulose; peduncle bracts suberect, broadly elliptic, apiculate, the upper imbricate; fertile part pendulous, lax; compound at base, simple above the middle, slightly tomentose; axis straight or geniculate toward apex; primary bracts large, like the peduncle-bracts; branches to 3 cm long, 1–3-flowered; floral bracts obovate, obtuse, the upper ones half as long as the ovary. flowers sessile, ca 7 cm long; sepals symmetric, narrowly elliptic, obtuse, 25–30 mm long, distinctly lepidote, green with a blue apex; petals never spiraled, linear, obtuse, pale yellow-green except the blue apex, slightly exceeding the stamens, bearing 2 serrate scales at base. pistil: ovary cylindric, 15 mm long, slightly lepidote at first.

Edited from : Smith & Downs 1979. Bromelioideae (Bromeliaceae) in Flora Neotropica.