
Nidularium exostigmum Tardivo  diagnose
plant 22–30 cm tall, rupicolous or epi¬phytic. leaves 14–16, rosulate; sheath 10–14 cm long, 5,5–8 cm wide., ovate, greenish, slightly whitish at base, margins entire, densely brown-lepidote on both sides; blade 13–22 cm long, 4,2–6 cm wide, ligu¬late, canaliculate, narrow-ed toward base, apex acute and apiculate, margins serrulate, spines ca 0,5 mm long, green, 4–7 mm apart, laxly lepidote on both sides. inflorescence: peduncle 4–7 cm long, 0,7 cm diam., whitish, glabrous; peduncle bracts 2–3, ca 3,5 cm long, l ,6 cm wide, margins serrulate, greenish; inflores¬cence 8–9 cm long, ca 3 cm diam; prima¬ry bracts 12, broadly ovate; suberect, the lower ones ca 6,5 cm long, the upper ones 9,5 cm long, margins densely serrulate, laxly lepidote, green at base and red toward apex; branches ca 5 cm long, 1,8 cm wide, ses¬sile, flabellate, with 2–4 flowers; floral bracts 2–2,2 cm long, ca 1,4 cm wide, oblong, margins entire or remotely spinulose at apex, densely brown-lepidote, apex obtuse and minutely apiculate. flowers 4–5 cm long; sepals ca 1,8–2–3 cm long, 0,6–0,7 cm wide, connate at base for 0,5–0,8 cm, elliptic-¬obovate, obtusely carinate, apex acute, apicu¬late; petals ca 3,5 cm long, connate for 2,¬7 cm, tube greenish, lobes white, oblong, remaining erect at anthesis, without calluses, apex obtuse-cucullate. stamens included; anther 0,5 cm long, yellowish, base obtuse, apex acute, dorsifixed at middle. pistil: stigma distinctly surpassing the petals' length by 1–2 mm at anthesis; style ca 3,5 cm long; ovary trigonous, glabrous, white, 0,8 cm long, ca 0,5 cm diam; placen-tae axial.

Edited from : Bromelia. (protologue) .