
Tillandsia buchii Urb.
plant epiphytic, leaves with both sides very dense appressed dirty white scales. inflorescence: peduncle to 15 cm long peduncle bracts the base with a swollen ovate sheath, otherwise lanceolate linear, and elongated subulate, tip acute, very dense lepidote on the back, straight erect, covering the bottom part of the spike , greyish green inflorescence with one lateral branch, 10–15 cm long, up to 4 cm wide, densely distichous, many flowered, convex, roundish oblong, floral bracts very imbricate, so that the visible part seems only 5–7 mm wide, remaining rigid, papery edges, on the back more or less prominent veins, flattened, ovate -orbicular to sub orbicular, short acuminate, lepidote on the back towards the base, in the middle becoming blackish punctate, at the top barely punctate, much exceeding the sepals, the middle ones about 3.5 cm long, 3 cm wide, when dry greenish yellow margin not coloured, keeled at the back towards the tip, flowers sessile, erect, sepals barely connate, not at all winged, leathery, back glabrous, barely nerved, yellow, adaxial pair sharply keeled, flattened oblong lanceolate, tip sharply acuminate. flowers: petals blue, other information unknown.

Edited from : Mez 1935. Bromeliaceae (part 1-4) in Engler, A. (ed) Das Pflanzenreich.