
Tillandsia williamsii Rusby
; 0 densely gray-lepidote; 1 stems densely fascicled, 5–7 cm; 2 long, spreading. leaves: sheath 3–4 mm; long, completely clasping, strongly ribbed, abruptly contracted into the blades, which are 15–30 mm; long, 3 mm; wide, slightly wider at about the middle, lightly folded, long-acuminate. flowers: pedicel solitary, 8–12 mm; long, slender, straight, nearly glabrous, nerved. flowers not seen; bract sheathing the calyx, broadly ovate, strongly ribbed; sepals sheathing the base of the fruit, unequal, the longest 5–6 mm; long, broadly ovate, obtuse, nerved. fruits 15–18 mm; long, slightly broader above, the valves of the exocarp yellow, separating from those of the purple endocarp, and exceeding them, short-rostrate; seeds oblong, brown, very small.

Edited from : Bull. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 6: 489.. (1910)