
Tillandsia weberbaueri Mez  diagnose  protologue
plant barely 30 cm high, formeing a bulbous rosette. leaves up to 20 cm long; blade 5 mm wide, narrowly linear, gradually acute, on both sides with a nice pale grayish indument. inflorescence: peduncle very slender, erect, shorter than the leaves, subglabrous; peduncle bracts lax, the sheathing part erect, acute, the upper ones a little shorter than the internodes; inflorcscentia subpauciflora, distichous, twice-branche, paniculate, pyramidal, tender and lax, surpassing the leaves, to 12 cm long and 8.5 cm wide; axes slightly angled, scattered appressed pale-lepidote, for the most part glabrous; secondary axis slightly geniculate; spikes loosely pinnate, long-stalked, 6–13-flowered, flattened, up to 2.5 cm long and 10 mm wide; primary bracts much shorter than the axillary branches, lanceolate, remote, abaxially glabrous, less than 1 cm long; floral bracts suberect, not imbricate, not at all turned second, ovate, acute, back even, not carinate, to 2 mm long, much shorter than the sepals. flowers suberect, not second, 3–3.25 mm long sepals free, asymmetrical, more or less even, leathery, ovate, broadly obtuse; petals only slightly exceeding the sepals, greenish-white. stamens deeply included;.

Translated by E.J.Gouda from: Mez 1905. (protologue) Additamenta monographica 1904 (suite) .