
Tillandsia beleana André  diagnose
; 0 basal leaves widened and ciasping at the base, 6 cm broad at the middie with a short, lanceolate-acute, 15 cm long, leathery and siïghtly scaly blade. inflorescence: peduncle erect, flattened, chan neled, rather coarse and 50 cm tal! including the infiorescence and covered up to the top with scattered whitish scales; set with loosely ciasping, siightly scaly, ovate-lanceolate bracts, the lower acumînate, the upper only acute; panicle imperfectly two-sided, 10–12 cm long and composed of about ten very dense spikes on short peduncles, the iower forkïng at the base and carrying another short spike with 2–3 flowers; primary bracts ovate-acute, 2 cm long, reaching about the middle of the spike, almost glabrous; the rachis of the spike flattened, twisting, veiy scaly; flora! bracts ovate-acute, boat-shaped, overtopping the calyx, furrowed, scaiy especiaily below. flowers: calyx triangular, 5 mm long, sepals keeied, ovate and sub-acute, scaly. flowers yellow and small.

Edited from : Andre 1889. (protologue) Bromeliaceae Andreanae. Description et Histoire des Bromeliacées, récoltées dans la Colombie, l\'Ecuador et la Venezuela .