
Nidularium spectabile Clémenc.
; 0 when this bromeliad is in bloom, its beauty is above all that can be said; 1 its port, which recalls that of encholyrion or certain bilbergia, offers nothing particular; 2 the spreading leaves, a little curved, are broad, of a light green, slightly concave, very abruptly narrowed, as if truncated and terminated by a short, reflected point, widened at the base; 3 what makes the beauty of this plant is the red-violet (magenta) color that the leaves in the center take when it is flowering, a color which, persisting for almost a year, makes it one of the most beautiful ornaments you can see; 4 as for her flowers, which are not remarkable, you can hardly see them; 5 they are grouped at the bottom of an uria, a sort of wide tube, funnel-shaped, made by the arrangement of the inner leaves; 6 cultivated in a hot greenhouse, like most bromeliads.

Edited from : Clemenceau 1872. (protologue) Plantes nouvelles, rares ou peu connues .