9409 - Bromeliads (Wild) - 2011-10-13 (Dimensie: 1566 x 2098 pixels - Teller: 9948) Guzmania weberbaueri Mez Verzamel locatie: Ecuador - Las Orquídeas, Alto Nangaritza, Zamora-Chinchipe. Moist montane forest on slope of Tepui just E of Hostal Yankuam (trail to plots of D. Neill). Fotograaf: Florian Werner Opmerking: Col.: Werner, F.A. 2606 (15-09-2008) - Det.: W. Till (U Vienna) "leaves 1.5 m and longer; infl. erect, peduncle and bracts bright red, flowers (which may never open widely since we have seen so many plants) bright light yellow." (Klik op de foto om te vergroten) |