5980 - Bromeliads (Garden) - 2010-09-18
(Dimensie: 830 x 650 pixels - Teller: 9949)
Aechmea 'Suenos' ?
Verzamel locatie: n/a -
Fotograaf: Matthias Asmuss
Opmerking: comparing with fcbs.org this should be Aechmea 'Sueños' ? (Verzonden: brom-l@nic.surfnet.nl)
Determinatie: in behandeling
(Klik op de foto om te vergroten)
- Opmerking: Eric Gouda (2010-09-20) - See the new BCR (Verzonden: brom-l@nic.surfnet.nl)
- Determinatie: Uwe (2010-09-22) =A. jonesii
- Keep in mind that there is a A. jonesii with blue flowers, published by Teresia Strehl. The habit of those Aechmea's is heavly depending on growing, resp. cultivation conditions. Within three years, I made from a grassy plant of A. recurvata with leaves of more tham 1 m a neatly looking specimen ... (Verzonden: brom-l@nic.surfnet.nl)
- Opmerking: Uwe (2010-09-22) - Sorry, mea culpa, the species I was thinking of is Aechmea joannis, published in Strehl, T. 2004. Contribuiçao ao conhecimento da diversidade de Bromeliaceae no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. – Divul. Mus. Cienc. Tecnol.-UBEA/PUCRS, Porto Alegre 9: 25–32. (Verzonden: brom-l@nic.surfnet.nl)